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Registering as a Borrower is Easy
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Welcome to the Commercial Portal

Hello and welcome to Axos bank's Commercial Portal user video tutorial. In today's lesson, we'll learn how to register into the portal. To start this lesson, you will select the button labeled register in the portal landing page that contains the registration link. Click into this link to continue. Our portal is most compatible with the Chrome and Firefox applications. If the page opens automatically through an alternative browser, you may copy and paste the URL link into the correct browser application. Once the browser page has loaded, you will see our registration page. If you are a third party, attempting to register on behalf of the borrower, please reach out to our servicing team for further instructions. Once you acknowledge you are an existing borrower with Axos bank Please fill in your personal information. To complete your registration, you must choose a password, your password must include 8 characters, 1 capital letter, 1 number and 1 special character. Once entered and confirmed, please click the submit button. If the system is not able to locate your account information, please contact our Commercial Lending Servicing team at [email protected]. You will now review your account details, if all is correct, click next. We'll then ask you to read, review and accept our privacy policy, terms and conditions, and disclosure form. Once accepted, check each box to confirm, then click next. You have now finished registering into our commercial portal. Thank you!
Submitting Property Financial Reporting Documents Input Tasks

In this session we will submit the property financial reporting input task. This is where we ask you to directly enter your income and expense details related to your property. You can start by clicking on the task. Here a pop-up window will open for you to enter information. You'll notice will start on the statement info page where you can see prepopulated data. This specific task example ask for information regarding the full reporting year. Finish the page by entering the number of operating months for the reporting period. Since this is asking for the full year, we’ll input 12 months. Next, enter the statement source. Meaning whether these are audited, financials, borrower provided, or tax returns related to the reporting year. Finally, you can input the statement end date meaning the last day of the reporting period. You can find additional help text for certain entry fields by hovering over the info icon. Once you have completed all fields on the statement info, click to save your information, then click next. Once you make it to the property info page work through the rest of the task by saving each page after entering applicable values. Most entry fields have a corresponding comment box for you to enter additional details. Some entry fields are required and will not allow you to submit until you have entered the acceptable values.
Financial reporting is used to enter income and expense details for the property. Some entry fields like rental income, real estate taxes and insurance, will not let you indicate a zero value without providing a comment. Once all income and expense details have been input and saved, you can move on to the final page where you will see summary calculations. Make sure to provide comments to any values that require an explanation. If you are not ready to submit this task and would like to come back to it at another time, make sure you have saved each page before exiting the window. After you exit, you will notice that the status of the task is still open. This indicates that the item is still outstanding and you must finish your submission in order to satisfy the financials request. When reentering the task, we ask that you reconfirm your information by saving all four pages. You can toggle through by clicking next and saving, or you can click on the name of each page at the top of the screen. Once every page has been saved and all required entry fields have a value the task will allow you to submit. You will know this because the submit button is no longer grayed out. After clicking submit, we will ask for you to verify the input is true and correct, click accept to continue. Now that the task has been submitted, you will see it listed under submitted task. You can click on the “i” icon to view your submission, but you will not be able to edit the information. If you need to make an update to a submission, navigate to the message center and create a new message to alert the servicing lending team. You have now finished submitting your Property Financial Reporting input task. Thank you.
Submitting Borrower and Property Financial Documents

Hello and welcome to the Axos Bank Commercial portal user video tutorial. In this video, we will learn how to submit financial reporting tasks. If you are starting at the home page, you can navigate to your open tasks by clicking on the task tab. For this session, we will look at your property financial reporting docks tasks. In this task, we asked for you to submit financial reporting documentation regarding the property of the loan. We expect documents like an operating statement or a rent roll, but we will accept additional documents as well. If you have your own prepared financial statements, you can submit them here. If you would like to use Axos forms for your operating statement and rent roll, you can use the template library by clicking on the financial document templates. you can download the Axos form by clicking on the form name. If you are using chrome as your browser, the option to download will appear at the top of the screen after clicking on the form. Once downloaded, you can edit within the pdf on your screen, or you can print the form and scan it back in once completed. Once you have your property financial documents ready for submission, click into the task “Property Financial Reporting Docs”. The task will open a pop-up window for your submission. At the top of the page, you will see information prepopulated like the reporting period and the applicable loan. In this example we are asking for statements for the full year. Under the record information there is a section for document uploads. You will see here that the rent roll and operating statement are required to submit. To begin submitting documents, you can click on the arrow to left of the form name where dropdown will appear where you can click to upload or drag and drop your file. Before you upload your document, you have the option to provide a comment. Next drag over or click to upload the applicable document. Now that we have uploaded a rent roll, we will notice that the rent roll box has been checked. Next, we will submit an operating statement. Follow the same steps of clicking into the drop-down arrow next to the operating Statement. Click to upload or drag and drop the applicable document. Now that both the operating statement and rent roll boxes have been uploaded. This satisfies the condition of the task item. Meaning the submit button is no longer grayed out and we can submit. You can include a Schedule E form if you have it or if you have additional documentation you would like to provide, click on add more attachments at the bottom of the section. Once all required and applicable documents have been uploaded, you could submit the task at the bottom right of the window page. The task will now appear under the submitted task list. You can review submitted documents by clicking on the “i” icon to the right of the task name. Now, we will look at borrower financial reporting docs tasks. In this task we ask you to submit financial reporting documentation regarding your own personal financials. We will expect documents like a personal financial statement and a schedule of real estate owned, but we will accept additional documents as well. If you have your own prepared financial statements, you can submit them here. If you would like to use Axos forms for your financial statement and real estate schedule, you can click into the template library under the financial document templates. Once you have your borrower financial documents ready for submission, click into the task, borrower, financial reporting docs. The task will open a pop-up window for your submission at the top of the page you will see some information prepopulated like the reporting period and the applicable relationship. In this example, we are asking for statements for the full year. Under the record information there is a section for document uploads. You will see here that the personal financial statement and schedule of real estate owned are required to submit. To begin submitting documents, you can click on the arrow to the left of the form name for drop down to appear. Click to upload or drag and drop the applicable document. Now you can see that both the financial statement and the real estate schedule have been checked. This satisfies the condition of the task item. Meaning the submit button is no longer grayed out and we can submit this task. You can include your own balance sheet or if you have any additional documentation you would like to provide, click on add more attachments at the bottom of this section. Once all required and applicable documents have been uploaded you could submit the task at the bottom right. The task will now appear under the submitted task list. If any of these documents were uploaded by mistake or you have additional documents, you would like to add you can reach out to Commercial Lending Servicing team to reopen the task by going to the message center and creating a new task. Now you have finished submitting your “borrower Financial Reporting Docs” task. Thank you.