Auto Dealer Services Team
At Axos Dealer Services, we provide solutions to accommodate your customers while helping you close more deals, improve gross profits, and increase back-end income.

Contact a Dealer Relationship Manager
Our dealer relationship managers have the experience and expertise to help you close more sales, and we operate in a growing network of states across the country. Contact us today to achieve your goals.
Our underwriting hours
7 a.m. to 7 p.m. PT Mon-Sat
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. PT most holidays, closed Sundays
Have a question? Email: [email protected]
Axos Dealer Services Managers
Ray Deethardt
Ray Deethardt | Inland Empire Ray Deethardt | Orange County Ray Deethardt | Sacramento & Central Valley Ray Deethardt | San Diego
Ray Deethardt
Wayne Humphreys
Wayne Humphreys
Jim Myers
Roger Herrold
Raed Anabtawi
Raed Anabtawi
Jim Myers
Wayne Humphreys|Wichita
Roger Herrold
Jim Myers
Raed Anabtawi
Wayne Humphreys
Raed Anabtawi
New Hampshire
Jim Myers
New Mexico
Ray Deethardt
North Carolina
Karl Weber
Jim Myers
Wayne Humphreys
South Carolina
Karl Weber
Roger Herrold
Texas East
Roger Herrold
Texas West
Karl Weber
Jim Myers
Washington State
Raed Anabtawi
Raed Anabtawi
Frequently Asked Questions
Can my dealership use your program?
The retail contract program offered by Axos Dealer Services is presently available to franchised and select independent dealerships in California, Colorado, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, North Carolina, and South Carolina. We are expanding so please give us a call.
Are you a full spectrum lender?
No, our singular focus is on a segment of your prime buyers who are well-established, have a solid income and a strong credit history and are seeking a payment or deal structure your traditional finance sources simply don’t accommodate (i.e. extended terms and strong advances on any year or make of vehicle).
What is the loan to value (LTV) maximum
For your most creditworthy buyer, the maximum LTV is 145% - this number will fluctuate depending on creditworthiness and debt serviceability.
How quickly do you fund a retail contract?
A complete retail contract package is typically funded within 24 hours of receipt.
How do I join the network of Axos Dealer Services dealerships?
Axos Dealer Services employs dealer relationship managers, each of whom is located within their assigned market area, to provide a readily available, knowledgeable, and well-informed resource to our dealership clients. We invite you to speak with one of them to learn how Axos Dealer Services can partner with your dealership to increase vehicle and finance gross with satisfactory service for customers.