Partners FAQs

Wholesale and Correspondent Portfolio Lending (WCPL)
Can I be approved as both a Correspondent and Wholesale Lender?
Yes – Correspondent partners can choose to submit Wholesale loans on a per file basis.
Appropriate selection should be made at the time of the file submission.
Who is my Account Executive with Axos Bank?
Your Axos Bank Account Executive is generally assigned by geographic region. Feel free to reach us at (888) 585 4869 or [email protected] and we will identify the Account Executive that covers your territory. You may also visit our Meet the Team page:
Do I perform a FNMA DU prior to submitting my loan?
AUS findings are not required on Portfolio loans. For any conventional, prime jumbo, or non-Portfolio product, AUS findings will be obtained by Axos.
What are the lender fees?
Our lender fees are as follows:
Portfolio Lender Fee $1,695
Correspondent Lender Fee $1,695
Foreign National Review $250
Trust/Entity Review Fee $350 per entity
Texas Doc Review (if applicable) $150
Privacy Mortgage (if applicable) $350
Please see our Wholesale or Correspondent rate sheet for additional items including Appraisal Review, and Redrawn Loan Documents.
How do I upload a loan?
Log in to the Axos Portal, and click on the "Upload a Loan" icon. Follow the instructions, and be sure you are uploading a Fannie Mae 3.4 or Mismo file. For additional resources, download our Loan Submission Guide.
How do I request a rate lock?
Please see our Rate Lock Procedure document for details on submitting a rate lock request.
What are the minimum requirements to submit a portfolio loan?
Axos Minimum Documentation Checklists can be found here.
Does Axos Bank pull a 4506T prior to funding a transaction?
For applicable transactions, Axos may obtain tax transcripts. Check with your Account Executive to determine if this will be a requirement on your loan submission.
When must my loan be funded based on my lock term?
Your loan must fund by the last day of your interest rate lock commitment. If it has not funded by this date, the loan will be subject to relocking and the costs associated with the additional extended lock days requested. Refer to Axos Rate Lock Policy here.
How do I order an appraisal?
All loans require one (or more) appraisals depending on loan amount and product chosen. Appraisals must be ordered through Axos approved AMC's, which can be found here.
Does Axos Bank perform fraud guard checks on submitted loan files?
Yes. We use various industry-standard fraud checks to ensure the integrity of every file. We will document any fraud issues and report them to the appropriate industry authorities, which may include data tracking resources and/or the FBI’s fraud division.
Does Axos Bank require an HVCC compliant appraisal?
Yes. We require the appraisal to be ordered through one of our HVCC-compliant vendor's approved appraisal management companies.
How do I verify if my loan is a High Priced Portfolio Loan?
Visit the HPML-authorized site, FFIEC Rate spread calculator.
What is your security policy?
Security is a very high priority for us. For more information, we invite you to read Privacy & Security.
What is your privacy policy?
We may share your data as noted in our privacy statement.
Who sends the appraisal to the borrower?
We will send a copy of any appraisal used in conjunction with the loan directly to the borrower within three business days of receipt.
Will I receive a notification when my appraisal is complete?
Yes, you will receive an email notification from the approved appraisal management company.
What is the address for the Closing Protection Letter?
Axos Bank, ISAOA/ATIMA, P.O. Box 5804, Troy, MI 48007-5804
What is the Mortgagee clause?
Axos Bank, ISAOA/ATIMA, P.O. Box 5804, Troy, MI 48007-5804
Where is the copy of our seller agreement?
What if I have other questions?
Feel free to reach us at [email protected] or (888) 585-4869.
Financial Advisors (Deposits Accounts)
Do I need access to a computer and an email address to have a Axos Bank account?
Yes. Because we are a digital bank, you will need a current email address and access to a computer.
When you apply for an account, you will be asked to give your consent to receive communication and information in electronic form. We do not send paper communications.
Because we are a digital bank, we can offer our checking, savings, money market, retirement products, and certificate of deposit products at highly competitive interest rates.
What will I receive in the mail for my new account?
Debit or ATM card (if applicable)
Checks (if applicable)
What are the fees associated with the accounts?
Axos Advisor fees are listed on our Schedule of Deposit Account Fees and Terms.
How do I change my contact details?
A change to your contact details may be completed by logging in to your online banking.
How do I report a lost or stolen ATM/Debit card?
You may report a card lost or stolen by logging into your online banking. Select the "Amounts" tab and choose the account linked to your debit card. Then select the "Debit Card" tab.
You can activate your card, order a replacement card, or report your card lost or stolen from this screen.
How can I access my monthly statement?
You can view statements and tax forms in online banking. Select the "Accounts" tab and choose the account. Then select the “Statements” tab.
Financial Advisors (Online Banking)
Why do I need an access code?
This helps us know that your computer has authorized access to your account. You have several options for receiving your access code:
SMS (text) message
What are the limits for external transfers?
We do not limit the number of funds transfers you may make.
Max $45,000.00/day
Max $75,000.00/month
How do I verify trial deposits for an external bank account?
You can verify external deposits within online banking, whether you're using a web browser or the mobile app. If you're using a web browser, log in to online banking and select "Accounts." Then select "External Accounts." Select the settings wheel for the account you wish to verify. Enter the two tiny trial deposit amounts and select OK. If you're using the mobile app, log in to online banking, then select "Move $." In the menu bar at the top of the app, select "External Accounts" and then select "Verify Account." Enter the two trial deposit amounts, and select "Verify Account" to confirm.
Financial Advisors (Apps & Features)
My check won’t scan, what should I do?
Make sure you are logged into your online banking dashboard under your own name.
Confirm you have endorsed the back of the check.
Be sure to place the check in the same corner of the scanning machine for both front and back scanning.
It may help to mark dots (about the size of a pencil eraser) on the four corners of the front and back of the check to help the scanner detect the outline of the check.
For a more help, log into your online banking dashboard, click Make a Deposit in the blue bar, then click "HELP."
How do I get the mobile banking app?
Apple - Search for “Axos Bank” in the App Store on your mobile device, or download via iTunes®
Android - Search for “Axos Bank” in Google Play marketplace
What is text message banking?
Text message banking makes it easy to access account balances and transactions, as well as transfer funds, right on your mobile phone. It’s the fastest and easiest way to get your account balances – anytime, anywhere.
For more information, log into your online banking dashboard and click on "Account Access" in the blue bar, then click on "Text Banking & Alerts."
Financial Advisors (Sending/Receiving Money)
How do I make deposits into my account?
The easiest way is to deposit your check with the Axos Bank mobile app* or scan a check via Make a Deposit* if you’re using your computer.* Not available to fund Certificates of Deposit.
You can also:
Send a Wire to:
Axos Bank
4350 La Jolla Village Drive, Suite 140
San Diego, CA 92122
ABA # 122287251
For the Benefit of: ( Name Here )
Account number: ( XXX-XXX-XXX )Make an external funds transfer with online banking (Checking & Money Market Savings accounts only)
Use ACH: Clients may select the ACH option when opening their new Axos Advisor account. A small dollar transaction will take place to verify accuracy of the information entered prior to finalizing the ACH.
What is the routing and transit number for Axos Advisor?
To set up direct deposits or send a wire to your account, use our routing and transit number: 122287251.
How do I send or receive a wire?
Sending a wire out from Axos Advisor
We make it easy for you to wire money from your account. Simply log in to online banking, select "Move Money," and select "Wire Transfers" option.
Wire cut-off times:
Domestic – 1:00 p.m. PT
International – 12:00 p.m. PT
Wiring funds into Axos Advisor
To wire funds into a Axos Advisor account you will need the following information:
Axos Bank ABA/Routing Transit Number – 122287251
Address: Axos Advisor 4350 La Jolla Village Drive, Suite 140 San Diego, CA 92122
Incoming international wires must be in US dollars. Our intermediary bank information is as follows:
Pacific Coast Bankers' Bank San Francisco, CA 94104
SWIFT Code: PCBBUS66 ABA Number: 121042484
Be sure the wire is to the benefit of your name and your account number at Axos Advisor. Wire cut-off time for same day processing: 1:00 p.m. PT.
What are the transaction limits on my savings account or money market account?
We do not limit the number of fund transfers you may make.
How can I withdraw funds from my savings account?
Though not as versatile as checking accounts, Axos Bank savings accounts offer several ways to withdraw money. With an Axos Bank savings account, you can:
Transfer funds to another account with Axos Bank or with another financial institution. Log in to online banking and select Move Money. Initiate a wire transfer. Log in to online banking and select "Move Money" and then "Wire Transfers."
Make an ATM withdrawal. To discover where you can make free ATM withdrawals near you using your debit or ATM card, log in to online banking and use our ATM Locator.
Why did I receive an email that a hold has been placed on my check?
Regulation CC requires financial institutions to inform a customer when a check hold has been placed. Axos Advisor may delay the availability of funds from your check deposits to afford us time to verify the deposit and ensure the funds are collected. The email notice states when the funds will be available. Refer to the Funds Availability Policy.
How long will a hold be placed on my check?
The hold time is set out in the email notifying you of the hold. Refer to the Funds Availability Policy.
How do I order deposit slips?
For all account types we offer a convenient printable deposit slip – Universal Deposit Slip
We offer an online deposit slip and envelope request form for Checking and Savings accounts – Order Deposit Slips and Envelopes
Deposit checks with the Axos Bank mobile app or scan a check via Make a Deposit in the online banking dashboard
Dealer Services
Can my dealership use your program?
That depends. The retail contract program offered by Axos Dealer Services is currently available to franchised and select independent dealerships in AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, ME, MN, MO, NC, NH, NM, NV, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, VT, WA, and WI.
However, we are expanding! Give us a call and we will gladly provide more information.
Are you a full-spectrum lender?
Unfortunately, no. Our focus is prime buyers who:
Are well-established
Have a solid income and strong credit history
Are seeking a payment or deal structure that your traditional finance sources don’t accommodate (i.e. extended terms and strong advances on any year or make of vehicle).
What is the loan to value (LTV) maximum?
For the most creditworthy buyers, the maximum LTV is 145%. This number will change, depending on creditworthiness and debt serviceability.
How quickly do you fund a retail contract?
We typically fund a complete retail contract packages within 24 hours of receipt.
How do I join the network of Axos Dealer Services dealerships?
Visit the Contact Us page and submit a request for information. An Axos Dealer Relationship Manager will contact you and provide guidance on the qualifications and documentation required.
What are your underwriting hours?
7 a.m. – 7 p.m. PST Mon-Fri.
9 a.m. – 6 p.m. PST Saturdays and most holidays.
What are some of the advantages of the Axos indirect auto program?
Up to 96-month financing.
We can finance any year vehicle including classic/collector cars.
We offer up to 145% LTV.